Portfolio: METHODS

Ethnography, Ethnographic Research, Usability, User Research

Kickoff, Kickoff Meeting, Ethnography, Ethnographic Research, User Research Recruiting Screener, Recruiting Participants, Ethnographic Research, Usability, User Research Moderator Guide, Moderating, Usability, Ethnographic Research, User Research

Ethnography, Ethnographic Research, User Research

Ethnographic Research

Ethnography is a method that allows us to examine the human experience through direct involvement with participants in action. Specifically, ethnography is the observation of people’s behavior from their point of view in their natural environments. It involves getting out of the office and meeting people where they work, play, and live.

In this study, we asked participants to imagine they needed to file a claim in their home or apartment, as a result of a water leak causing damage in one room. Then we asked them to enter information about their claim using an iPhone app. They needed to take photos, a video, and measurements of the room. Our goals were to find out if the app was:

  • Desirable to customers: would they use it?
  • Viable for our company: would customers self-serve, saving time and money for adjusters?

Our value proposition was straightforward. We thought customers would use the app to:​

  • File low severity indoor claims rather than waiting to schedule an adjuster visit​
  • Get paid quickly

Our findings showed that the app was simple, desirable, and left the company reassured to develop the product.

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