Portfolio: STRATEGY

Bob Thomas, Mentoring, Mentor, Mentors

Bob Thomas, Mentoring, Mentor, Mentors, UXPA Magazine


How do you mentor large numbers of people quickly to help them get into UX or to develop in their UX career?

Mentoring programs have a lot of value. But finding the mentors can be difficult, and pairing them with mentees can be time consuming. This limits the number of people who can be mentored. We describe how we created rapid group mentoring activities at user experience conferences so mentees and mentors get the most out of the time they have together. We provide details and logistics, so you can organize a similar activity in your UX community.

Download the PDF: UX Mentoring at Scale: A How-to Guide

Published in UXPA Magazine.

(Used here for personal, non-commercial use. Do not distribute or republish.)

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