Portfolio: STRATEGY

Strategy, User Research, Scaling the Culture of User Research

Strategy, User Research, User Research Handbook

Scaling the Culture of User Research

We are evolving our traditional user experience research methods and making them leaner and meaner (well, leaner anyway). We are keeping in mind these principles: valuing individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, and responding to change over following a plan. These are all principles of the Agile manifesto.

No matter the methodology, our UX strategy is still the same. We want to test early and often so we can understand whether or not we are meeting our customers’ needs. For our Agile teams to succeed, they will need to watch and study users. We all are busy and have a lot to accomplish, but if we do not watch and study users, then we are relegating ourselves to building user experiences based on subjective opinion.

Download the PDF: Scaling the Culture of User Research: The Lean, Mean, Usability Machine

Download the PDF: User Research Handbook

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